Boys State

The American Legion

14th District

American Legion Boys State
Boys State is a program for qualified high school junior boys who take part in a week long educational program at the University of Texas in Austin. Each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government.
Additional information pertaining to Boys State can be obtained on the American Legion, Department of Texas web site at: .


Boys State Procedures for Local American Legion Posts

January - Mail-out from Headquarters to Post Adjutants.
                   Mail-out from Headquarters to all High Schools.

Mail-out includes Brochure, General Information, and sample Application Blank.
Local Posts should contact High Schools to insure that the School's Junior Counselors have received the information and request a list of junior boys in the top 10 percentile.
This is also the time to arrange for outside sponsors to assist the Post with additional funds to send more boys. Many other Local Organizations and Clubs will help when you explain the Purpose of the Program.
February - Local Post Boys State Chairman contact the boys on the list and arrange a meeting date and time to give an orientation to the boys and their families. At the conclusion of the orientation, the boys that are interested should be given a personal information form to fill out and arrange for an interview time. Do not accept the recommendation of the schools without an interview.
Also get information from a couple of alternate delegates to fill-in if a boy cancels at the last moment. (This will prevent your Post from losing the registration fee if a boy cancels.)
March - Complete the application and get all necessary signatures. Mail the completed applications and registration fee to Department Headquarters.
April-May - Stay in touch with the Delegates and arrange for the transporation to Austin for the boys.
Dates: The 2025 Boys State Program will be held at the University of Texas in Austin, June 8th to June 14th, 2024.

© 2023 American Legion District 14