

The Pledge of Allegiance

14th District Posts

14th District Officers

14th District Map

14th District Convention Information

14th District Auxiliary

14th District S.A.L.


Boys State

Constitution & ByLaws


Past 14th District Commanders

American Legion Post 299 brings Thanksgiving to families in need

14th District Post Newletters

The American Legion

American Legion Auxiliary

Sons of The American Legion

American Legion Riders

National Facebook


Department of Texas

American Legion Auxiliary

Sons of The American Legion

Texas American Legion Riders

Department Facebook


American Legion 3rd Division

3rd Division Facebook


Welcome to the 14th District

The American Legion 14th District, Department of Texas, is one of 23 Districts in Texas. The 14th District includes 22 Posts in 19 Counties in the South/Central Texas area.

The Department of Texas is divided into 4 Divisions and each Division is divided into Districts. There are 23 Districts in the Department of Texas. The 14th District is one of 6 Districts within the 3rd Division.

American Legion Family

The American Legion Family consists of The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, and American Legion Riders. While each is a separate entity, we work as a family by supporting the activities and programs of each other.

The American Legion is comprised of veterans from all branches of Military Service.